Summer Solstice

Today, on Summer Solstice day…I am celebrating being alive on planet Earth…our beautiful home in the solar system! The word “solstice” comes from the Latin words “sol” (sun) and “stitium” (still). Our ancestors noticed that, as summer progressed, the sun stopped moving northward in the sky and began tracking southward, as summer turned to autumn.…

A New Perspective

for humanity…Two stories have caught my attention recently – two, very different, sets of news. On one side, the seemingly never- ending trauma caused by Covid, affecting millions of people all over the globe, and the indescribable suffering that comes with it. Recent images from India, Brazil or Turkey echoing similar images seen last year…

A Golden Opportunity for Humanity

Time to start a conversation about our legacy?One of the major themes dominating our lives recently has been the theme of death. We have all been reminded of the fragility of life and of our own mortality. I’d like to believe that despite the profound suffering and pain we have all been confronted with, we…

From Alienation to Connectedness

– and taking Responsibility. One of the most tragic twists in the story of humanity is our estrangement from nature, our contempt for our environment and our abuse of Mother Earth. We have behaved so badly during the last centuries that we had to be stopped forcefully. We needed a harsh reminder; we needed a…

Changing the Story of Humanity – one lesson at a time

Replacing Selfishness with Solidarity2021 has started and humanity is still learning. Let’s look at some of these lessons together…shall we? Selfishness versus Solidarity – me versus Humanity  When confronted with imminent danger our most basic instincts tend to kick in. “I must protect myself first, my family, my community, my country.” We see it all…