I Find Meaning in my work and I Show Up with Joy – every day.” Mentoring Programme: Serving with Joy


Mentoring Programme: Serving with Joy.

I Find Meaning in my work and I Show Up with Joy – every day – for myself, for those around me, and for humanity.”     


Inspiring you to Serve with Joy and build a proud Legacy!

This Mentoring Program is suitable for individuals as well as teams.


You love what you do but you often find yourself overwhelmed and depleted.

You want your work to be creative and you want to serve with passion, and vibrancy!

How do you reconcile being efficient and pragmatic with staying inspired and content?

By shifting the way you see yourself and your role in the larger community.

By anchoring everything you do in Joy!

Your work is your service to your community and to humanity!

Know that you are valued and that your contribution is unique!

Together let’s change the way we see our role in society.

You Can Work = Serve Joyfully!

First by making sure that your work reflects your true potential and allows you to express authentically.

Secondly, by learning to see your work as your valuable contribution to humanity.

 This Coaching program aims to help you work with passion and Joy, to feel proud of your service and elevate your contribution to society.

You will:

  • Find your true calling by acknowledging and honouring your gifts.
  • Profoundly transform your relationship with work by changing your approach to what you do.
  • Make your work joyful and playful by reframing it according to your values and personality.
  • Give meaning and purpose to your work by shifting your perspective about life, contribution, and living authentically.
  • Find fulfilment in your career by taking responsibility and being a co-creator of reality.
  • Experience Deep Joy and Satisfaction in your work by redefining it as service to humanity and aiming to create a joyful legacy.

Let’s “work” together to help you Find Joy and Meaning in Your Work as You Serve Humanity!

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When you work joyfully, you inspire and uplift everyone around you!

Together, we can help change the way we see our life and our work as our contribution to humanity!

This powerful game-changing program includes:

  • 1 Preliminary discovery Conversation (Intro and Preparation) – complimentary

We get to know each other better and design your bespoke program together.

You Commit to bringing meaning and Joy in your work! You redefine what you do as service to humanity.

  • 12 x 60’ Empowering Life Coaching and Mentoring Conversations with the overall aim to help you Find Fulfilment in Service and Create a Proud Legacy!

 The program can last from 6 up to 12 months – depending on the pace you feel comfortable with.

  • We start by determining your most important values underpinning your work and career so you can instantly begin to align with them.
  • We help you identify the best way in which you can serve yourself and your community.
  • We address any doubts, blockages and fears that might prevent you from showing up at your best.
  • We use powerful techniques, tools, and creative activities to help you connect with your authentic self, tap into your strengths and talents, and become your own authority.

You design your unique, joyful path to your highest form of service.

You decide what it really means for you to be fulfilled, and what you would like your legacy to be. 


  • Regular Mentoring check-in calls to inspire and support you in your service.
  • Comprehensive materials, assessments, feedback and follow up activities to empower you to Maintain a Sense of Joy and Satisfaction.

Investment: £2000 (or 4 instalments x £500) – please make instalments available


£3000 for two colleagues who want to do the program together.

 The price can be adapted to accommodate up to 5 colleagues who might want to do the program together and be sponsored by their employer/company. 

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Be at the forefront of the future of work by transforming the way you relate to service!

You deserve to be happy and fulfilled.

Serve with Joy to honour your potential and create a lasting legacy!

 Together, let us create a healthier relationship with work and a better, more joyful, and more solidary society!

 Have a question? Let’s talk!