Dear friend,
Thank you for your interest in Coaching, and, more broadly, for your desire to better yourself, to honour your potential and to be the best you can be.
Give yourself the credit you deserve!
We live in interesting times. But I believe that we have all the reasons to stay optimistic and to continue to have trust in our special destiny, as individuals and as humanity.
Each one of us can contribute, in our own way, to making the world a better place.
And the simplest way to contribute to a better world is by being happy.
Yes, by being happy!
When you are happy, you radiate positivity. You inspire others. You show true leadership. You share your gifts.
It is as simple as that.
So trust your path, and trust yourself. Leave all those doubts behind.
And make a simple, honest commitment to give yourself the love and respect you deserve.
Promise yourself to be happy.
As far as I am concerned, I have always been fascinated by the beauty and mystery of being human, by our limitless potential, by our resourcefulness, by our resilience and by our capacity to dream.
From a very early age, I dived into Philosophy to find answers to the big questions about our existence. I studied the world’s religions to better understand our thirst for meaning. I looked to astrophysics and astrology to explore various points of view. I travelled and immersed myself in different cultures…and found that there is much more that unites us than divides us.